Influential HR - What makes for influence in today’s HR profession – and how practitioners can build presence and impact

Dr Nadine Page and Erika Lucas

Woman speaking while gesturing with her hand, on a background of colorful shapes and patterns

The term ‘influential’ is widely used but the research services team at Hult International Business School wanted to discover exactly what attributes led participants in the HR Most Influential survey to judge their nominees as influential.

What were those nominees actually saying and doing in practice?

Five key themes emerged from the nominees in the 2021 survey – new ways of thinking and acting, strong leadership, strong pandemic response, influence beyond the organization and people-centred focus.

This whitepaper explores those key themes of influence in HR and provides practical tips and techniques to help develop your own influencing style, with a particular focus on the hybrid world of work.

Download the whitepaper for

  • Key insights into how HR influence has changed

  • Techniques to help build your influencing skills

  • Useful tips for successful influencing

  • 5 themes of influential HR

Read the whitepaper