Client story: Google

Empowering coaches to effect lasting change

Transformation-led impact in a global organization

Our partnership

Partnering with Google and a leading organizational consultant, we co-created an innovative, accredited coaching supervision program, tailored to Google’s culture. With two residential workshops and monthly virtual supervisory sessions, the program drives change-makers to deliver their best work against a backdrop of cultural transformation.

Two women sitting on their laptops facing each other in a tech office space

Google is on a mission to organize the world’s information while making it accessible and useful for everyone. Its 25-year history is built on a commitment to advancing belonging, opportunity, protection, and sustainability – guided by innovative people navigating the complex landscape of a truly global organization dedicated to creating change.

Professional woman smiling at the camera

"Hult Ashridge has done a huge amount of work to understand Google and design a program that meets our very specific needs."

Stephanie Conway, Organizational Development Partner EMEA, Google

The challenge

Google employs more than 150,000 people globally. As an organization that effectively responds to the complexities of global business challenges, it needs a workforce that is ready to tackle change head on.

After recognizing a need to focus on supervision to improve organizational development, Google partnered with Hult Ashridge to create an innovative, accredited coaching supervision program that would give its internal coaches the additional credibility they need to make a real impact.

The program’s key purpose was to develop and empower Google’s internal team of 15 experienced coaches across EMEA and the US to become internal coaching and organizational development supervisors. These coaches help managers across the company successfully navigate uncertainty and change against a backdrop of cultural transformation.

Our impact

Empowering Google’s coaches to create real, transformation-led impact

Working in collaboration with Google and leading organizational consultant and EMCC-accredited coach supervisor Bill Critchley, we developed the coaching supervision program: Super-Vision.

Hult Ashridge was chosen to deliver the program because of our global footprint, world-class faculty, industry reputation, and willingness to collaborate closely with Google to develop a tailored program to fit the company’s culture.

Keeping Google’s definition of supervision as a ‘professional consultation’ in mind, we designed Super-Vision to serve as a reflective forum for coaching and organizational development practice. The ‘supervisor’ supports the organization while supporting their own learning to maintain quality standards in practice, and drive impact in an ever-evolving organization.

A key element of the program is to build trust and create a safe space where participants feel comfortable discussing the issues arising from their coaching and organizational practice. Feedback on the program’s impact so far indicates an increase in practitioner confidence and capability.

Rich learning experience

Participants describe a rich collective learning experience, helping their practice at an individual and organizational level.

Relevant skills for improved practice

Participants feel equipped with skills taught by experienced facilitators to immediately improve practice.

Department-wide expansion

Google plans to extend the program to upskill and benefit its wider coaching and HR community.

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